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Image Size

Note: Do not display an image of extremely large size or resolution!

A typical image should display at 700px (px=pixels) wide by 600px high. The largest image HotDoodle will store is 800px wide by 800px tall; if you upload an image larger than 800px, it will be resized before being stored.

It is important to understand the difference between images for the web and images to print. Picture resolution, or detail, is measured by dots (or pixels) per inch. The more dots per inch, or dpi, the higher the resolution and the larger the graphic file (in file size, not in length and height).

  • For printing, the more pixels in the image the better it looks. Glossy magazines print at 225-300dpi. Newspapers print at 150-200dpi.
  • For the web, screens can only display 72dpi ("dots per inch"). Any higher resolution means the page will be slower to load and the extra pixels of resolution will effectively be lost.

For captured images, either set your camera on the lowest resolution or resize images on your computer.

Issues with large images:

  1. Web browsers and servers refuse to upload more than a certain size (16M is common), so uploading a few 4 megapixel pictures can cause the upload form to fail. These failures may also go undetected, which will not create an error message if it were to happen
  2. If you try to display a high resolution image on the web, the image can be larger than the screen.
  3. While many browsers will automatically resize large pictures, the web page is slow to load as the big picture is being sent down. A web page might be just 20k in size and have a 500k or even a 5000k (5 megabyte) picture. Images can be properly sized and optimized, transforming a 5000k into a 5k, which making download quickly and reduce problems.

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